Mailbox Rentals | How it Works

Step 1: Inquiry Form

Click the button below to fill out and submit our Mailbox Inquiry Form

Step 2: User Agreement and Application

Download and complete the following documents:

Live6 Mailbox User Agreement

USPS Form 1583: Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent

Step 3: In Person Orientation

Once we process your inquiry form, a Live6 team member will contact you to arrange an in-person orientation meeting at Neighborhood HomeBase, located at 7426 W. McNichols. Make sure to bring your completed User Agreement and USPS Form 1583 for us to review, approve, and finalize your rental.

Step 4: Mailbox Access

You are set to receive mail in your designated box immediately following your orientation appointment. The facility is available Monday-Friday during business hours, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Notifications will be sent out regarding holiday and other office closures that affect mailbox access.